
 Almost all folks have our own food cravings but according to studies, women tend to crave quite men. this is often because women’s food cravings have connections with their hormones. There are some factors we'd wish to know why we crave for high-sugar and fatty foods. this stuff are important to know and determine because if you crave for foods that are high in fats and sugar, you will have some complications regarding your health. Eating plenty of high sugar foods can cause diabetes and should be a drag if you're having weight problems. So eating the right food and eating carefully is that the because of living a healthy life.

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What causes food cravings?

Most doctors and dietitians agreed that food cravings stem from a complicated combination of emotional, hormonal and biochemical factors. one among the simplest factors for cravings is blood sugar imbalance. Emotional and hormonal imbalance also contributes to food cravings.

Blood Sugar Imbalance

A major factor for food cravings is low blood sugar . this is often typically caused by lack of food as a results of going too long between meals/snacks, or following very low calorie diets.

According to some studies, people with cravings often have an underlying blood sugar imbalance during which their blood sugar levels are altered because they eat an excessive amounts of the wrong sort of carbohydrates. These fluctuations in sugar level can cause a cravings, water retention, mood swings and excessive thirst etc.

Hormonal Imbalance

An enormous percentage of women crave sugar, carbohydrates,and  alcohol. In most cases, these food cravings aren't true eating disorders, but instead are signs of hormonal imbalance caused by a scarcity of healthy nutrition.

The fact that the strongest food cravings occur within the week before menstruation, or during pregnancy, suggests that hormonal swings have an influence on this type of urge to eat. Also, it's interesting that men - who typically are less affected by hormone imbalance than women(studies suggests) - tend to develop fewer cravings.

Emotional Imbalance

Stress, depression, and tedium are the foremost common triggers for food cravings. In severe cases, cravings can cause binge eating, an disorder which consists of episodes on uncontrollable overeating and should be followed by compensatory behavior during which the person purge what he/she ate.

If your emotional issues remain unidentified, your food cravings will remain same. If your emotional issues changes, so will your food cravings. the sole parallel between both the constant and thus the changing food cravings is this: there's some underlying emotional issue crying out for your attention.

“The bottom line is this: As unpleasant because it's to face a negative emotions, the selection is even more unpleasant.Everyone gets angry, upset, unhappy or jealous at a short time — there's no doubt about it. In fact, the only question about these emotions is whether or not or not we elect to affect them now or later.” - Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Food cravings mean that the body has its signals involved . once we are exhausted or blue, we've low blood sugar and/or low serotonin, and thus the body signals the brain that it needs a pick-me-up. This signal of causes a sugar craving or carbohydrate craving.

How to suppress food cravings?

1. Don’t skip meals. If you skip meals your blood glucose level will fall too low, which causes food cravings and binge eating.

2. an excessive amount of sugar and an excessive amount of salt can make the cravings worse.

3. Reduce the intake of drinks that acts as stimulants like coffee, tea, and other kind of caffeinated soft drinks. These drinks can cause fluctuations in blood glucose . Drinking tons of water can help.

4. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

5. Reduce your intake of processed foods that are high in additives. 

6. Exercise can helps you to curb your food cravings. thanks to the influence of mood on our eating habits, especially cravings, it is vital to need regular workout on most days. Exercise significantly improves mood by releasing chemicals into the bloodstream, and may definitely assist you to manage your urge to eat.

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